Michael Beauclerc is the driving force of The Bowie Lives. As our drummer, he gives his attention to the smallest rhythmical detail. As a backup vocalist, it’s his job to be “the other Bowie” as DB was renowned for singing his own harmonies. ‘Luckily” the two Michael’s have sung together for a long time, having worked on a number of jazz and pop performances over the past 20 years. Michael also acts as musical director overseeing arrangements and personnel. (Fun Fact: He was responsible for suggesting Michael Bell resurrect his Bowie tribute and put the first lineup and rehearsal together to convince him.)

Michael is also a Yamaha Drum clinician, traveling the country on behalf of Yamaha Canada, promoting their drum products. He is both a teacher, author of a number of books on drumming and the owner of Mad Practice Pad drum accessories.


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